Let's all just own up to it now: we all get wedgies in class.
Tonight was an awesome night! I have new nausea meds and was able to really work out without fear that I would upchuck on the dojo floor. My worst nightmare is throwing up on the beautiful floor and then passing out in the puddle of sick.
We worked on bunkai and staying on top of an opponent. I went bonkers on my partner and she gave me great feedback! I need to keep my hands up to protect my face. Something tells me I'm not going to learn that until I have a busted jaw for the first time, but we all watch out for each other. I need more practice and will have that problem fixed before I am allowed in the position where such would be a danger. That's what I love about karate: the better you learn, the more you get to learn.
The hardest challenge for me today was my footwork. I worked intently on keeping my posture and feet where they need to be.
When the class began I was still taking care of my port and meds so I warmed up in the back corner. It's where I stood when I was new, so I got nostalgic. Sensei gave us a lot of good energy to work with, plenty to laugh and smile about, as well as meaningful instruction. He demonstrated at full speed and power, which always scares me. It brings up memories of my dad coming at me, but the dojo is where we are safe, and those feelings are gone right away because Sensei always makes eye contact to make sure the person he is demonstrating with is okay. Cool, I'm so glad to be able to face that and move right on with my practice. It's true, what Higaonna-Sensei says, our greatest opponents are really ourselves.
What makes me feel the bravest about my own situation is that my Sensei is open about who he is and where he comes from. He teaches us lessons based on his own experiences. I know that I will have my own scrapes and bruises along the way to contend with, but when I am his age I will have seen an example of how to share with others what I have learned, which will make it meaningful.
I <3 my dojo.
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