Onegaishimasu. Please teach me.
Life continues just as it has never promised to wait or slow down. But I look for the beauty and I saw it at the dojo this evening.
I had to sit down so I didn't overdo it. That left an odd number of karateka, with one of the younger karateka left out of a paired up exercise. Sensei slipped on his gloves and paired up with her.
Sensei has a big job to do. He is the head teacher, the owner, the leader. He is also a father, a friend, a counselor, a spiritual leader, a moral compass, a cheerleader, and a genuine human being. What a tall order for one guy! No wonder he looks tired by 9:30pm when it's time to close up shop. The whole day through he is watching like Peter Cottontail. Are the children safe? Are the adults being good role models? Are the exercises challenging enough? Are the exercises too challenging? Did the business meet the bottom line this month? Is the paperwork done? Is the restroom stocked? Does the timer have batteries? Is the floor sanitized? Is my attitude on straight?
It's truly no wonder he isn't sure how to answer the simple question, "How are you?" Every day he works with students to help them face their fears and challenges. Nobody has a hill that he won't climb. It's amazing to see.
But this young lady who was the odd one out today happens to be a bit skittish. But I saw Sensei in a rare moment. He was simply playing, enjoying a spar with her, building her confidence. He was a lion playing with his cub.
How it makes me happy to have seen this. It reminded me that I need to have fun in life. I enjoy karate but until I felt at least a little safe with my skills I took it far too seriously. Constant hypervigilance is part and parcel of life with EDS. But if he can take on all that he does and still play, then maybe I can, too.
Sensei ni arigatou gozaimashita. Thank you for the lesson, Sensei.
Wonderful story, and thank you for sharing the lesson!