Warrior Week occurs every six weeks, and I love it! That's when the curriculum rotation resets for our dojo and we solidify our new skills before heading back to the basics. This is a great way to keep ourselves on the simple fact that our basics are our foundation, very effective in and of themselves when properly performed and dutifully maintained.
Warrior Week is a rigorous but exciting time! I always look forward to it. We get a modified class schedule that shakes up my medical schedule and reminds me not to take it so seriously. There is a shiai (tournament), Spirit Training, and a potluck. As I write this it's unbelievable that I ever make it through! On top of all this great work I was also invited to grade this time around for my 6-kyu (blue) belt! Holy cow!
The entire week is a time to test my might. I have improved at every shiai. This time I took first in kata! I took second again in sparring! Holy cow again! I have never gotten a blue ribbon for anything athletic! I've done tennis, hockey, ice skating, swimming, volleyball.... Never have I been so wholly engaged to the point that I continually progress, succeed, and even compete! In fact, I have always (frickin' /always/) ended up with an injury so violent that it ended my time with that activity. Karate is so diverse and I am so much stronger that I know the worst is over and such a thing will not happen again.
I did end up earning my blue belt. It's weird, the first karateka with whom I worked has his blue belt and I was sure that this guy was in the stratosphere in terms of skill. I was perfectly satisfied to be able to work with someone with a blue belt, and never imagined myself reaching this point. Reality check: with EDS there are days when I can't walk. A blue belt in karate is truly incredible. Doing karate at all is incredible.
Congratulations to all who tested and competed! I give thanks to my Sensei for believing in me.
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