Saturday, December 6, 2014

Basics Training Before Warrior Week

Way too much pain. I traveled for the holidays and traveling always takes weeks to a month for recovery. It'll get better, but today I sat, watched, and took notes. I also wiped down the sweaty mirror, that's being as involved as possible.

Hand work:
-The quickest way from point A (start of punch) to point B (target) is a straight line. Don't open up, hook, or sway. Stay relaxed, stay loose.
-"Muff" to guard the chin, almost like petting the hand to knock it away
-Hands are loosely closed, clench right before making contact
-Bring back a jab along the same plane from which you threw it
-Control your hands.
-Keep the leading hand more forward, save a millisecond.
-Hook: just duck ("bob") if it's a hook to the head. Just to move over ("slip") will still get you hit.

Keep legs slightly open so you can move freely, keep upper body closed and ready to avoid a jab

-Keep your chin tucked

-Stand sideways to the wall with your leading foot against it. When you jab, your arm shouldn't hit the wall.

-Jab/Cross punches: jab, and on cross, pivot the foot a little bit to tighten the movement, using extension to gain power from the floor. "Squish the bug!" Stay big, don't let the opponent close in on you.

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