Saturday, September 19, 2020

IOGKF Perú Entrenamiento especial

Tomorrow I will train with Goju Ryu friends in Peru and beyond thanks to a generous invitation to show up and do what I can. My Sensei offers me the same generous invitation to class each week.

Peter set me up in his office with a tv, pc, sound bar so it's super loud; a non-slip mat, and a fan. My wheelchair is right outside the door if I need to switch, or I can rest and watch.

I'm emotional about this. Friends I haven't seen in six years haven't forgotten me. I might cry. 

I'm bad at math. Peru is only 1 hour earlier than EST. If I'm right Peru starts at 9am and I start at 8am. And if I'm early, we can do juunbi undo!

But mostly, I will cry. I've lost a lot of function since 2014. So I will play when I can and then I will adapt when I must! My Sensei has helped me grow.

Goju Ryu karate training is very strict. We take deep care in making sure we understand what is being said to us because it can devastate a person if you do the wrong thing.

We all value Higaonna-Sensei and wish him the very best, naturally. What's harder is continuing to organize ways to carry his message into the future with one unified and timeless voice. We will become his voice someday when he goes where we all go, so until then we can continue working to build voices in ourselves that we should choose to share with Higaonna-Sensei and expect he will feel that it is okay for him to rest.

Tomorrow is my first Spanish-language karate class. I am super excited! I'm sure my recognition has become weak, but they still day the moves in Japanese. I'll be okay!

My Sensei told me to go ahead and that tells me there is nothing that can take me down here. I have much to learn and must stay humble.

I am enchanted by Kokubo-Sensei because he's the first person I ever met who was Japanese, speaking Spanish! He also speaks English. Because I am as polyglot he is very fun and exciting to see.


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